It's Not Too Difficult For You!- Empowerment For Today, Monday, 5th May 2014.

On a Lighter Note

(This section of this newsletter has no Biblical or theological significance, it is only meant to make you laugh or at least smile) "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones" (Proverbs: 17:22)

Homework Help

"Dad," said Little Johnny, "I'm late for football practice. Would you please do my homework for me?"

The father said irately, "Son, it just wouldn't be right."

"That's okay," replied Little Johnny, "but you could at least give it a try, couldn't you?"

A Word for Today

It's not too difficult for you!

"For this commandment which I command you this day is not too difficult for you, nor is it far off."
-Deut 30:11 (AMP)

"I really want to do things God's way, but it's just really hard". Does that sound familiar? Some Christians know the right things to do, they read the Word of God and know what they are meant to do, they have the Holy Spirit in them telling them what to do, but often times, they just think it's too difficult for them. Some would say, "How will I forgive that person that has hurt me so much?" "How will I make the first move when they are right and the other person is wrong?" Perhaps, God is leading you to give up something you are comfortable with to do something else for Him, you know its God, but just can't get yourself to do it. Some have struggled with Tithing for so long, not just seeing why God will tell them to bring 10% of their income to Him. Gal 6: 7, "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap". It might even be habits in our lives that negate the Word of God and it just seems like a struggle doing God's bidding. You need to stop saying how hard it is to do what you know is right, God's commandments are not difficult except you are trying to do things independently. You need to rely on the Holy Spirit {John 14:6} and as you do so those seemingly 'hard tasks' will become easy, remember, 'His grace is sufficient for you and His strength will be made perfect in your weakness. 'The difference between Christianity and every other religion is that all religions makes rule they expect you to obey, but in Christianity God gives us rules and then helps us obey it through His Holy Spirit. Never try to obey God without His help. There is blessing in doing His bidding, Deut 28:1-2, "If you fully obey the LORD your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations on earth. All these blessings will come upon you and accompany you if you obey the LORD your God:"

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